Highlights: Elections for the 2023-24 IIUG Board of Directors
Welcome to the International Informix Users Group (IIUG) Insider! Designed for IIUG members and Informix user group leaders, this publication contains timely and relevant information for the IBM Informix community.
Table of Contents
September 26 was the Jewish new year. So, I would like to wish a happy new year to the Informix user community. I believe it will be a successful year for Informix with new releases, new features and new users. Please continue enjoying the IIUG insider.
Gary Ben-Israel
IIUG Insider Editor
IIUG Board of Directors
Elections for the 2023-24 IIUG Board of Directors
The elections for the IIUG Board of Directors will be officially announced on October 18th.
We will send an email to our users and publish it on our website.
Nomination will be open October 24th through November 7th.
If you would like to submit your nomination for election, follow our website and the Insider for details.
Serving on the IIUG board is hard work and requires a 2-year commitment but it is rewarding.
We would like to have new members with new ideas so please join us.
Gary Ben-Israel
IIUG Board of Directors
Informix Corner
What’s coming up in Q4 for Informix releases?
Be on the lookout for 14.10.xC9, set to GA shortly. Continuous quality improvements including enhanced stress testing at scale and the focus on delivering key defect fixes while minimizing feature content will make this the most stable release for 14.10 yet. If you have not upgraded to 14.10 this is a great time and will be a great release to do so!
Continuing to build on the strength and content of Informix Service for Cloud Pak for Data 4.5 (June, 2022 GA- https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cloud-paks/cp-data/4.5.x?topic=new-informix), the Informix Service for Cloud Pak for Data 4.6 set to GA in Q4 will include defect fixes and key industry badging.
Last, but definitely not least, the team is continuing to work on Informix vNext set to GA in 2023! Look here for important news and updates soon.
Karen Qualley
Informix Training
Free Informix Tutorials Videos – a step by step approach to using Informix Database Servers are available at https://advancedatatools.com/tech-info/informix-tutorials/
Lester Knutsen
Informix Tech Talks on YouTube
Upcoming Informix Tech Talks
Title: What is New in Informix 14.10.FC8
Date: Thursday, October 20, 2022
Time: 2:00 pm EDT
Description: Carlton will discuss the new features in Informix v.14.10.FC8, including the required upgrade steps for IHQ and H/A clusters using the Connection Manager. Carlton Doe is one of the two Informix Database Specialists at IBM.
Speaker: Carlton Doe
Please register – Tech Talks October 20
Title: Washington Area Informix Users Group Meeting
Date: Thursday, December 8, 2022
Time: 9:00 am EDT
We are excited to be back with another winter user group meeting. Everyone seems to be happier with virtual user group meetings so we are going to stick with it for a bit.
So please join us the morning of 12/8/22 for a great set of technical discussions.
We are actively looking for user speakers, so if you are interested, please reach out to tom@xdbsystems.com or rhackenb@pacle.org.
Speaker: Various
For More Information visit www.waiug.org
Past Informix Tech Talks Replays
All Informix Tech Talks replays are available at: https://www.iiug.org/en/category/techtalks/
And on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/c/InformixTechTalksbytheIIUG
Replay of the last Informix TechTalks: Informix and Social Media: Reminding the World of Informix by Art S. Kagel
Replays from WAIUG Virtual Meeting July 14th, 2022 are available!
- Welcome by Thomas Beebe and Informix Roadmap by Shripad Sonavnay – https://youtu.be/oA4IQsqbB0I
- Informix 14 Certification by Stuart Litel – https://youtu.be/M2ueORwII-c
- Informix Auditing by Mike Walker – https://youtu.be/aOmW7jkhu4s
- Auditing is important to most organizations. This presentation will show how to use informix’s built in auditing capabilities, including how to set it up, what it can do, and what it cannot do. It will also cover the new options to be able to audit directly to syslog.
- CDC: A Beginners Guide by Paul Watson – https://youtu.be/cXYCYa8Z4Sg
- Change Data Capture or CDC is a very useful weapon to have in your arsenal, whether it is just a quick what happened or a full blown forensic tool However, many people have never heard of it or are scared to use it. This presentation will examine the various APIs show how to build a working DBA tool
More info at:
Visit the WAIUG website for more information – https://www.waiug.org
Informix Tech Talks YouTube Channel
We now have 298 subscribers to our YouTube channel.
We have 80 videos on YouTube on our Channel.
Our Channel has received over 6,320 views so far!
Informix Tech Talk YouTube Channel Videos
Past Informix Tech Talks Replays
Lester Knutsen
In Search of Tech Talks Speakers
We are looking for additional speakers and especially any new speakers to share your Informix knowledge with our user Community via the IIUG Tech Talks. We will assist you in preparing for your Tech Talks presentation by prerecording your session. This will allow you to be available to answer any questions that come up in the chat during you presentation.
If you are interested in producing a 15 – 45 minute presentation, please contact either Bruce Simms or Rhonda Hackenburg for additional information.
Rhonda Hackenburg
RFE Corner
IBM has an RFE – Request For Enhancements website.
Please visit this site to vote for your favorite enhancements and place new requests. It is friendly and has a nice look and feel.
Dbexport/dbimport validate *_LOCALE vars before accessing data files
Official support for IDS on Rocky Linux
Popular (Over 50 votes)
Obtain the query plan of a running query
Many times a DBA is called to check upon a slow process. Most of the times those processes are running a slow query.
Sometimes it’s hard to know if the query is using the best query plan or not. A DBA can reproduce the query, but it it was prepared without values or if the statistics were changed after it started there is no guarantee that the query plan seen by the DBA is the same as the running query.
We have “onstat -g pqs” which sometimes can give us a clue, but it’s mostly cryptic and undocumented. If a user has X-Windows he can try xtree, but it’s a bit strange for todays standards.
We also have SQLTRACE, but if it was not set when the query was launched it will not capture the info (and besides, due to the circular nature of the buffer it may not be there at the time we need it).
A simple pseudo-table in sysmaster could probably implement this with ease.
It could also be extended to support the “last” query plan making it easy to get the query plan in any tool
Votes: 103 (+0)
Created: December 24, 2018
Status: Future consideration
Informix should be able to change owner on tables and any other objects
If user=informix creates all database and all tables, then programmer creates table but user=informix cannot change it. Only drop it.
Votes: 97 (+0)
Created: December 24, 2018
Status: Future consideration
Backup Individual database, not entire instance
Need a mechanism, similar to ontape, to backup a live database (as opposed to entire instance), without locking it.
Votes: 87 (+0)
Created: December 24, 2018
Status: Future consideration
Gary Ben-Israel
IBM Informix Forum Corner
Join and visit the IBM Informix community forum at http://www.iiug.org/community
Recent posts
Ifx 14.10xc8 – ISAM error: operation illegal on a DR Secondary
alarmprogram.sh not backing up logs after upgrade
Potentially Serious HDR Bug 14.10.FC7W1
Gary Ben-Israel
Informix Resources
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Informix Requests for Enhancements.
Technical Articles
Over 10 Years of Informix Webcast Replays
Over 30 Years of Informix Blog Posts
Social Media
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Forums, Groups, Videos, and Magazines
- The IIUG old forums at http://www.iiug.org/forums/technical.php *** NO LONGER ACTIVE ***
- Informix Marketing channel on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/informixmarketing?feature=results_main
Closing and Credits
The International Informix Users Group (IIUG) is an organization designed to enhance communications between its worldwide user community and IBM. The IIUG’s membership database exceeds 25,000 entries and enjoys the support and commitment of IBM’s Information Management division. Key programs include local user groups and special interest groups, which we promote and assist from launch through growth.
Sources: IIUG Board of Directors
IBM Corp.
Editors: Gary Ben-Israel, Rhonda Hackenburg
For comments, please send an email to gary@iiug.org or rhonda@iiug.org