IIUG World 2021 Conference Session Replays

2021 IUG World Conference Session Replays on YouTube

These videos on Youtube are replays from the 2021 IIUG World Virtual Conference by the Speakers
See all Sponsor’s sessions here – https://www.iiug.org/en/2022/01/10/iiug-conference-sponsors-session-replays-on-youtube/

The videos will be available on April 1, 2022

A01. Informix Strategy, Roadmap and Licensing

Karen Qualley, HCL Karthik Gopalakrishnan, IBM”

A02. Informix in .Net World- New Features in .Net Core Provider

  • What’s .Net Core?
  • .Net timeline with Informix
  • Functionalities of .Net Core Provider
  • .Net Framework Vs .Net Core : Comparison
  • Live Demo
Pratishtha Sharma, HCL

A03. What’s New in SQL?

Highlights for SQL and the latest updates.
Jeff McMahon, HCL

A04.Modernization: Informix CP4D and Kubernetes Operators

What’s new with Informix containers
Javier Sagrera, HCL

A06. Safeguard your data with encrypted backups; best practices

This session covers the motivation to protect the information we are storing in the database, and the use of Remote Key Store, to use state-of-the-art software and hardware servers that support the encryption key lifecycle and cryptographic operations, Integrated Backup Encryption in Informix
Amol Devshatwar, HCL

A07. What’s new in the Kernel

Highlights for Kernel and the latest updates.
John Lengyel, HCL

A08. Security Highlights; Best Practices using Keystores

This session covers in depth the use of SSL/TLS certificates for encrypted communication with Informix.
  • What is a certificate.
  • Where do you get one.
  • How are they used – how does it work.
  • Creating/Maintaining keystores for Informix SSL/TLS communication.
  • Troubleshooting SSL/TLS communication problems.
  • Anything else you want me to explain?
David Desautels, HCL

A09.Informix HQ: What is new in InformixHQ Perminder

Introduction to Schema Manager Features and Custom Dashboard.
Singh, HCL

A10. What’s new in Replication?

This session covers various additions in 14.10 related to replication (ER, HDR, RSS & SDS)
Srinivasan R Mottupalli, HCL

A11. Conversion/Reversion for HDR/RSS Secondaries

This session covers conversion support for HDR/RSS secondary servers that avoids rebuilding of the secondary servers from backup.
Apoorv Kapse, HCL

A12. Why/how to use openssl; SSL communication and certificates

Configuring SSL certificate for application development using openssl.
Sunil Kajarekar. HCL

A13. Ask the Experts

Q&A with Informix Experts at the IIUG World 2021 Conference with Andreas Dworsky, Jeff McMahon, John Lengyel, Kevin Mayfield, Linesh Gujarkar, Srinivasan R Mottupalli

B02. Undocumented and little known Informix features

In this demo heavy session we will cover undocumented and little known Informix features. We will cover little known features including undocumentation onstat options e.g. the per session stored procedure cache included some known defects and how these can be detected to see if they are impacting your system!
David Williams

B03. DBOps (Database Operations)

Everyone in IT is talking about DevOps and its derivatives: DevSecOps, SysOps, GitOps… and other Ops’es, but rarely anyone mentions good old databases in that context. Especially the ones with decades on their backs which just happen to work (TM) so no need to “Ops” them, right? Nope! Despite relational databases having a good track record of being up&runing (most of them, anyway) and having all the necessary tooling to develop and support the data sources underpinning even the most critical IT systems they seldom integrate fast and well into contemporary platforms and methodologies such as Kubernetes and DevOps.
Perhaps RDBMS’es don’t age as well as everyone thought? How do we change that? Enter DbOps! Even though the term is not new it didn’t gain as much traction as its better known counterparts. That’s even more true when it comes to RDBMS giants dating back to the early *nix days such as Informix. Not having a huge palette of integration points with other software to start with it’s still possible (and pretty simple too) to bring it on par with other modern DB systems – we’ve done it using Puppet/Bolt and Gitlab and we’ll show you how…
Davorin Kremenjas

B05.TimeSeries and Covid

We start by learning why we should care about time series and then learn their basic characteristics. We can then apply what we just learned and more to COVID-19 data, starting with where we can get the multiple datasets available. We can then use multiple methods to process and visualize the data and see the trends in different areas of the United States. We finish with a quick reminder on the Informix TimeSeries capabilities and why it makes sense to use it for this type of data.
Jacques Roy, IBM

B07.Informix Version 14 New Features

In this demo heavy talk we will go over the latest Informix Version 14 new features including limitations and associated feature requests
David Williams

B08.Informix CSDK & Open Source Drivers – Extensive Features with Value Additions

Introduction of New Features in CSDK: Development of Open Source Drivers (Customer Delight), Smart trigger feature in Python Driver, The InformixAlchemy adapter, and Node-informixdb – node.js Informix driver
Shilpa Jadhav, HCL

B09. Why use Automatic Space Management?

Traditionally, one of the more mundane jobs of a DBA has been to add space when needed.  The introduction of automatic space management in Informix has made that task simpler, and at the same time given the DBA additional ways to perform that task. You can now stretch out cooked chunks, automatically or manually…no more “dbspace is full” errors, and no need to keep adding chunks to a growing dbspace! You can also allocate chunks to a dbspace with a single command, or even let Informix do it for you. This presentation will show how to enable and configure Informix’s space management, and how you can use the feature to make your job easier, while still maintaining control. It will cover some of the things that you now need to plan for, to monitor, and some of the issues that can occur.
Mike Walker, xDB Systems

B10. Informix and CloudPak for Data – “All-in-One” Demo

At the beginning of the session we will discuss how to create the external connection to the Informix instance running in the CP4D. We will explain in the detail how and where to get the required parameters for the sqlhosts setting. After that we will demonstrate the correct connection setting in the remotely running dbaccess by the creating of the tables and loading the data to the database in CP4D. The Informix connection asset creating in the CP4D will be used to demonstrate how other CP4D services can consume Informix data and how these services can be used for the simple analysis. Services like Watson Studio, SPSS or Data Refinery will be used as an examples for analyzing of the traditional relational data or TimeSeries data.
Jan Musil, Client Technical Professional Hybrid Data Management / IBM

B12. Data Management Console (DMC) for Informix on Cloud Pak

Highlight the Data Management Console for Informix in Cloud Pak for Data
Nitin Khambalkar, HCL

C04. Cognos 101: More than a reporting system

Mark Lack

C05. Asynchronous Post Commit Triggers in 14.10

This session will cover the new ASYNC post commit trigger introduced in IDS version 14.10. and also paved a way for the streaming analytics. There will be a short demonstration to show case this feature with few real life applications.
Andreas Legner

C09. Monitoring Informix with Prometheus and Grafana

Observability aids increase Database Availability, which in turn drives up customer trust and business revenue. Grafana, Prometheus, Telegraf are the popular open-source products for monitoring databases today. This presentation exhibits how these products can be used for monitoring, analyzing, and visualizing key Informix database servers KPIs and metrics. A custom shell script was written to query Informix sysmaster database and used in conjunction with Telegraf tool in this regard.
Rajat Agrawal, Walmart

C10. Analytics with Python, Notebooks and Informix

Python is the language of choice for many data scientist. Notebooks have become a popular environment for interactive work with databases. This presentation shows how Python and Notebooks can be used for accessing, analyzing and visualizing data stored in Informix databases. This will be done on the basis of frequent use cases.
Andreas Weininger, IBM

C11. Why you should move from ontape to onbar and backups from secondaries

This session covers the benefits of using onbar over the ontape. We will also cover advance features of onbar, like backup and restore different storage spaces in parallel, and On-Bar/ontape backups in RSS servers
Amol Devshatwar, HCL

C12. IDS smart monitoring using InformixHQ

  • How to configure Agent for a secure connection ( SSL )
  • Configuring Sensors for collecting monitoring data
  • Creating Alerts for sensors
  • Configuring SMTP for the Alert Incidents
  • New UI for the Incident screen with advanced filter
Ajay Anand Satbhadre, HCL