Title: What is new in Informix 14.10.FC7 by Carlton Doe, IBM
Description: The Informix FC7 fix pack was released in late November 2021. While some of the features are documented, others aren’t. This session is a comprehensive review of all the new or changed functionality in this release.
Carlton Doe, IBM, made this presentation to the German IUG on February 1, 2022. The German IUG made this recording. The German IUG is a very active community of Informix customers, partners, distributors, and friends in Germany and other German-speaking countries in Europe: Austria and Switzerland. Thank you to Dr. Julio Aspiazu, IUG President, for sharing this with Informix users worldwide.
Release documentation and machine notes for IBM Informix, v14.10.xC7 are at: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/informix-servers/14.10?topic=informix-1410xc7
Watch the replay on YouTube here – https://youtu.be/qwqoipH3FoE