IIUG Insider (Issue #293) December 2024

Highlights: Introducing HCL Informix® 15


Welcome to the International Informix Users Group (IIUG) Insider! Designed for IIUG members and Informix user group leaders, this publication contains timely and relevant information for the IBM Informix community.


It is the first day of 2025. On behalf of the IIUG Board I am wishing you a happy new year. 

2024 was a tough year. For me personally, for Informix and specially for the IIUG. 

IBM is no longer supporting the IIUG. For years IBM did not care, as much as we wanted them to, about Informix. As of 2024 they don’t care about the Informix customers as well. 

As a result, we will not be able to have in person conferences or participate in IBM events. 

We will however continue to maintain our website, continue with our Tech Talks, upload new videos to our YouTube channel, publish the Insider, and hopefully have a virtual conference. 

We are happy we firmed up our relationship with HCL. HCL is in charge of Informix development and support  and owns HCL Informix. For the first time we have an HCL representative on the board. Once again, a warm welcome to Karen Qualley. 


Gary Ben-Israel
IIUG Insider Editor
IIUG Board of Directors



Introducing HCL Informix® 15

We’re excited to announce HCL Informix® 15. The fast, reliable, and scalable database has been re-envisioned with new capabilities, giving you a fast and easy way to modernize out-of-support IBM® Informix® applications and scale like never before.

Here’s what’s new in HCL Informix 15

  • HCL Informix 4GL, a fourth-generation business application development environment that is designed to simplify the building of data-centric business applications, now available from Actian.
  • Larger row and page addresses that enhance scalability for large-scale data storage and processing. The new maximum capacity for a single instance is four times the estimated size of the internet.
  • External smartblobs enable the storage of binary large objects like static documents, videos and photos in an external file system to facilitate faster archiving.
  • Invisible indexes help developers and DBAs fine-tune queries by identifying which indexes are critical to specific queries by flexibly omitting them to see if they impact query runtime.

Check out our blog for more details and watch our on-demand webinar “Secure Your Future with HCL Informix 15” to learn how to future-proof your database without enormous costs and refactoring.


Don’t miss our special offer at the end of the webinar: a free database upgrade workshop for the first 20 eligible organizations. Our Professional Services team will review your IBM Informix database, plan your modernization, and provide 1:1 tailored advice.


Watch the Webinar Now >


Informix is a trademark of IBM Corporation in at least one jurisdiction and is used under license.

Karen Qualley



Conference Corner

IBM TechXchange Conference 2025 – Orlando, FL, USA

The next IBM TechXchange Conference is scheduled for October 6-9th 2025 in Orlando FL, USA.

Book by January 7, 2025 for the lowest price.

For details about TechXchange 2025, IBM TechXchange Conference 2025 – Orlando, FL – October 6-9.


Rhonda Hackenburg
IIUG Board



Informix Corner

Informix Tech Talks on YouTube

Upcoming Informix Tech Talks

There is no Tech Talks scheduled for January 2025.

Rhonda Hackenburg
IIUG Board


Last Informix Tech Talks Replay

Replay of the Last Informix Tech Talks:  Washington Area Users Group (WAIUG) Meeting – November 2024


Informix Tech Talks YouTube Channel

Our YouTube Channel now has:

  • 531 subscribers (8 new subscribers)

  • 111 videos (no new videos)

  • 20,968 views (667 additional views)

Informix Tech Talks YouTube Channel Videos

Past Informix Tech Talks Replays


In Search of Tech Talks Speakers

We are looking for additional speakers and especially any new speakers to share your Informix knowledge with our user Community via the IIUG Tech Talks. We will assist you in preparing for your Tech Talks presentation by prerecording your session. This will allow you to be available to answer any questions that come up in the chat during you presentation.

If you are interested in producing a 15 – 45-minute presentation, please contact either Art Kagel or Rhonda Hackenburg for additional information.

Rhonda Hackenburg
IIUG Board



Schedule Your Informix 14.10 Exam Today

The Informix 14.10 Badge exam is still available!

The exam will be administered online. You are required to complete the exam with a proctor from our approved list, or nominate one of your own, to be approved by IBM or the IIUG Board. You will be required to have a live webcam running as you complete the exam.

For those not familiar with the term Proctor: Proctor is frequently used to describe someone who oversees an exam. In today’s testing environment, a proctor will typically verify a student’s identity by checking a photo ID and ensure academic integrity guidelines are followed during the exam. 

Click here to learn more or schedule your exam.



Informix Training

Free Informix Tutorials Videos – a step by step approach to using Informix Database Servers are available at https://advancedatatools.com/tech-info/informix-tutorials/




RFE Corner

IBM has an RFE – Request For Enhancements website.

Please visit the RFE site to vote for your favorite enhancements and place new requests. It is friendly and has a nice look and feel.




 “Prevent the dbschema command from incrementing sequence values” 

Please remove the error -21569 when accessing via the SQL Admin API 

Informix V15 PDF Manuals 

Identify User created procedure 

informix can restrict ip/host to connect with DB 

Build a Informix HQ server Container 

Limited the number of row processed with an update/delete statement 

Enable/Disable Triggers at a Session or SQL level 



Popular (Over 50 votes)


Informix should be able to change owner on tables and any other objects

If user=informix creates all database and all tables, then programmer creates table but user=informix cannot change it. Only drop it.

Votes: 106 (+1)

Created: December 24, 2018

Status: Future consideration


Backup Individual database, not entire instance

Need a mechanism, similar to ontape, to backup a live database (as opposed to entire instance), without locking it.

Votes: 93 (+0)

Created: December 24, 2018

Status: Future consideration

Gary Ben-Israel
IUG Board



IBM Informix Forum Corner

Join and visit the IBM Informix community forum

Recent Posts

Informix 15 CSDK compatibility indicator 

Update to myschema available! 

Where to download Informix 15 server AND CSDK 15? 


Gary Ben-Israel
IIUG Board



Informix Resources

IIUG Website

Not a member, become an IIUG member and keep updated on all things Informix. It’s free.


IBM Informix Community

Not a member, join the IBM Informix community and connect with other Informix data experts.



Art Kagel – https://informix-myview.blogspot.com/ 



IBM Informix RFE

IBM Informix RFE – Informix Requests for Enhancements.


Technical Articles


Over 10 Years of Informix Webcast Replays

Over 30 Years of Informix Blog Posts


Social Media

YouTube LinkedIn X (Twitter) Facebook


Forums, Groups, Videos, and Magazines

Informix Marketing channel on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/informixmarketing?feature=results_main



Closing and Credits

The International Informix Users Group (IIUG) is an organization designed to enhance communications between its worldwide user community and IBM. The IIUG’s membership database exceeds 25,000 entries and enjoys the support and commitment of IBM’s Information Management division. Key programs include local user groups and special interest groups, which we promote and assist from launch through growth.

Sources: IIUG Board of Directors

IBM Corp.

Editors: Gary Ben-Israel, Rhonda Hackenburg

For comments, please send an email to gary@iiug.org or rhonda@iiug.org