IIUG Insider (Issue #254) September 2021

Highlights: IIUG World 2021 Registration Closes October 4 at Midnight EDT!

Welcome to the International Informix Users Group (IIUG) Insider! Designed for IIUG members and Informix user group leaders, this publication contains timely and relevant information for the IBM Informix community.


This is your last chance to register for IIUG World 2021. Our virtual conference. It is a virtual conference
but it is a great event. We hope to have a regular conference in 2022. I’m well aware that in a virtual conference you don’t meet your friends and colleagues in person. On the other hand, it is much cheaper and has the advantage of attending sessions from your home or office without traveling.

Don’t miss it.

The following sections has the detail and a link for registration.

Gary Ben-Israel
IIUG Insider Editor
IIUG Board of Directors


IIUG World 2021 Registration Closes October 4 at Midnight EDT!

You have until midnight EDT on October 4 to register for the largest Informix Event.

IIUG World 2021 begins Tuesday, October 5 at 10:00 am EDT.

Your paid registration includes:

  • Three half-days of technical content offered by top Leaders in the Informix Community

  • Several keynotes, including opening remarks by Arvind Krishna, IBM Chairman and CEO

  • Sponsor sessions

  • Ask the Experts

  • Access to two Certification Preparation Tutorials held after IIUG World 2021

  • One complimentary pass to take the newly released Official IBM Informix 14 .10 certification exam

  • All conference sessions via replay, so you can catch the sessions you missed NOTE: only conference attendees will have access to these replays

For additional information and to register visit the IIUG World website


Informix Corner

Informix Tech Talks on YouTube

We will resume our Tech Talks series after IIUG World 2021. Stay tuned for information regarding future topics and speakers.

If you are interested in becoming a Tech Talks speaker, please submit you abstract using the following speaker form.

Past Tech Talks can be found at: https://www.iiug.org/en/category/techtalks/

Informix Training

Advanced Informix Performance Tuning Course – October 25-29, 2021


RFE Corner

IBM has an RFE – Request For Enhancements website.


Please visit this site to vote for your favorite enhancements and place new requests. It is friendly and has a nice look and feel.


Increase supported ADMIN_MODE_USERS by moving list from onconfig to table

For lock spinslocks show if loops are for read or writes

For buffer spinslocks show if loops are for read or writes

Update PDF manuals for v14.10.<latest> and keep in sync

Popular (Over 50 votes)

Obtain the query plan of a running query

Many times a DBA is called to check upon a slow process. Most of the times those processes are running a slow query.

Sometimes it’s hard to know if the query is using the best query plan or not. A DBA can reproduce the query, but it it was prepared without values or if the statistics were changed after it started there is no guarantee that the query plan seen by the DBA is the same as the running query.

We have “onstat -g pqs” which sometimes can give us a clue, but it’s mostly cryptic and undocumented. If a user has X-Windows he can try xtree, but it’s a bit strange for todays standards.

We also have SQLTRACE, but if it was not set when the query was launched it will not capture the info (and besides, due to the circular nature of the buffer it may not be there at the time we need it).

A simple pseudo-table in sysmaster could probably implement this with ease.

It could also be extended to support the “last” query plan making it easy to get the query plan in any tool

Votes: 98 (+3)

Created: December 24, 2018

Status: Future consideration

Informix should be able to change owner on tables and any other objects

If user=informix creates all database and all tables, then programmer creates table but user=informix cannot change it. Only drop it.

Votes: 90 (+4)

Created: December 24, 2018

Status: Future consideration

Backup Individual database, not entire instance

Need a mechanism, similar to ontape, to backup a live database (as opposed to entire instance), without locking it.

Votes: 84 (+3)

Created: December 24, 2018

Status: Future consideration

Gary Ben-Israel

IBM Informix Forum Corner

Join and visit the IBM Informix community forum at http://www.iiug.org/community

Recent posts

ODBC Limit or Excel Query Limit

CDC through connection managers

temp table performance issue on IDS 14.10FC3 EE

Gary Ben-Israel

Informix Resources

IIUG website

IBM Informix community

Informix Blogs and Wikis

Please note: The list below contains only blogs that were active in the last six months.

Technical articles



Social Media

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/InformixTechTalksbytheIIUG

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/25049

Twitter : https://twitter.com/iiug

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/IIUG.Informix

Forums, Groups, Videos, and Magazines

Closing and Credits

The International Informix Users Group (IIUG) is an organization designed to enhance communications between its worldwide user community and IBM. The IIUG’s membership database now exceeds 25,000 entries and enjoys the support and commitment of IBM’s Information Management division. Key programs include local user groups and special interest groups, which we promote and assist from launch through growth.

Sources: IIUG Board of Directors

IBM Corp.

Editors: Gary Ben-Israel, Rhonda Hackenburg

For comments, please send an email to gary@iiug.org or rhonda@iiug.org

Categorized as Insider

By Vicente Salvador

Board member since 2014, a user since 1989 and Informix fan. I'am software architect which allow me to combine technical and business skills.