Moving To A New Website

It has been a long time coming but the IIUG is finally moving to a new website. As you will have noticed we have tried to jump up several iterations of website design in one jump. The goal is to make a more user friendly, more mobile friend, and easier to navigate website. In part with this process we are working to make it easier for the Informix community volunteers to add content and keep the website more useful for the future.

As part of this process we decided that the new layout was mature enough and ready to go and we wanted to launch it. However there are still a few areas of the site that we are working on updating or in some cases re-writing entirely in new languages. For the time being those links will still take you to the old website since we did not want our members to be unable to access the content they are used to. You will continue to see the site grow and change over the next several months as we finish up new components for the members and roll them out.

We are all looking forward to a bright 2016 and beyond!

– The IIUG Web Team


  1. Hi IIUG Web Team,

    this really looks a lot fresher,…

    …, but where do I find a working(!) copy of the IDS Forum?

  2. I am unable to post (or preview) on the forum using the above link. Is there a problem with it?

    1. I’ve seen you already has been able to post in forums. If you experience some issues, don’t hesitate to contact Tom ( or me (

      1. I have sent you an email with a screenshot. Still unable to post, as of today (Jun 6th)

    2. Hi Murali,

      We’re now aware about the posting issue in the IIUG forums. Thank you for your support. Please give us some time for investigation and fixing. I’ll presonally come back to you when issues were fixed.


      1. Hello Vicente. Any solution yet? I am hitting a roadblock on an issue and would really like to post on the forum.

        1. Dear Murali,

          Our developpers has reported me that forum issue should be fixed. I’ve not being able to test it, Sorry!!!

          Please, recheck. If you find some issue, don’t hesitate to contact me again.


          Vicente Salvado

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