Informix TechTalk: Setting up end to end Informix connections using Connection Manager by Thomas Beebe

Informix TechTalks Setting up end to end Informix connections using Connection Manger by Thomas Beebe

Setting up end to end Informix connections using Connection Manager by Thomas Beebe

Date: Thursday, May 19, 2022

Watch the replay on YouTube here –

Download the Slides PDF here – ThomasBeebe_ConnectionManagerUses.pdf

Download the Examples and Slides in a Zip File –

Description: Connection Manager is one of the most useful and most underused additional tools with Informix. It helps manage connection loads, handles routing, can give extra security and functionality to legacy applications, and will help IT staff better manage system failovers. It is also free. In this talk we will go through setting up Connection Manager in a number of different settings with an eye on real use cases and improving your security both for modern and legacy systems.

Bio: Thomas Beebe is the Vice President of xDB Systems. He has been working with Informix for 20 years and is a constant advocate for its growth. Alongside his Informix work, he spends far too much time on the Linux command line, dealing with data management using a variety of tools, doing WordPress development, a bit of DevOps and sysadmin work, and whatever else comes up day today. Outside of work, he is an avid photographer and a very amateur blacksmith.