IIUG Survey 2020 – Your voice needs to be heard!

Dear Informix friends,
It has been some time since snapshots regarding the state of Informix and the means of representing Informix users were taken. For that purpose, the IIUG (International Informix Users Group) Board of Directors has devised a short survey regarding those two subjects. The idea behind this survey is to better shape the collective voice of the Informix Community and increase ways for IIUG to serve this Community. 
Completing the survey will take no more than 10 minutes of your time and it would mean a lot to us and the future of Informix. The survey can be accessed via: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HSRBWXN. Please find some time in your busy schedule to complete the survey. Feel free to share this with your relevant coworkers, customers, etc. 
Thanks in advance, 
IIUG Board of Directors
Cindy Lichtenauer – IIUG President