Highlights: IIUG announces 14.10 Tech Day in Mexico City – Aug. 22, 2019
Welcome to the International Informix Users Group (IIUG) Insider! Designed for IIUG members and Informix user group leaders, this publication contains timely and relevant information for the IBM Informix community.
2.1 IIUG announces 14.10 Tech Day in Mexico City – Aug. 22, 2019
3.1 IIUG World Speakers and Sessions are Being Confirmed
5.2 North America IBM Informix Roadshow page
5.3 Journée Informix Tech Day 2019 – Paris
5.4 Journée Informix Tech Day 2019 – Casablanca
5.5 Informix Tech Day 2019 – India
5.6 Informix RoadShow 2019 – Spain
6.3 Forums, Groups, Videos, and Magazines
Table of Contents
1) Editorial
The IIUG board will meet in Lisbon, Portugal. This is the first meeting of the 2019 IIUG board.
I will report in the July Insider.
IBM wants to make Informix great again. At least this is what they are saying.
I did not see anything so far but being an optimist I hope I will see something soon.
Gary Ben-Israel
IIUG Insider Editor
IIUG Board of Directors
2) Highlights
2.1 IIUG announces 14.10 Tech Day in Mexico City – Aug. 22, 2019
As a valued customer of Informix, it is our pleasure to invite you to the Mexico City Informix User group meeting/Tech Day.
IBM and HCL jointly announced the release of the next major version of Informix – v14.10. This is a significant milestone in the partnership between IBM and HCL. IBM entered into a 15-year Intellectual Property Partnership (IPP) with HCL to jointly develop, support, sell, and market Informix products. The release of a new major version of Informix reaffirms the commitment to this partnership and to the future of Informix.
At this user group event we are inviting the customers to engage with IBM and HCL decision makers as well as industry peers, with the goal of advancing our products and developing innovative solutions that overcome your business and technology challenges.
Participants will meet with HCL and IBM product managers and technology leaders to learn about the latest releases, preview upcoming enhancements and provide valuable feedback, as well as drive long-term product roadmaps. As such, if you have a colleague who is also committed to helping to grow the future of Informix, please feel free to share this invitation with them.
This event is meant to be an interactive forum to learn about the capabilities, the best practices and hear how others are putting Informix to use in their environments. We hope you’ll plan to join the discussion by sharing your use cases with the group.
The language of all presentations of this event will be English. Clients and partners interested in IBM Informix and/or IoT are invited to this event.
Participation is free of charge.
When: Thursday – August 22, 2019
Where: Hilton Mexico City Reforma
Morning coffee and lunch will be served
Agenda – will follow, please check website frequently.
Join IBM and HCL product leaders for breakfast followed by a full-day of sessions to help you discover the best practices, business strategies and the latest Informix innovations. Detailed agenda to follow.
Please register for the event at /conf/mexico/mexico.php
If interested in hotel room to go along with this registration please go here:
Cindy Lichtenauer
3) Conference Corner
3.1 IIUG World Speakers and Sessions are Being Confirmed
The IIUG Conference Planning Committee is pleased to announce IIUG WORLD 2019 is set to take place Sunday September 22 through Thursday September 26, 2019 at the TORRANCE MARRIOTT REDONDO BEACH (https://www.iiug.org/iiugworld/hotel.php) in SUNNY CALIFORNIA. This is a suburb of Los Angeles. Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Long Beach Airport (LGB) are the two closest airports; fares may vary between the two depending on airline and originating city.
Sorry if you missed the Early Bird registration savings, but you can still use your IIUG membership (it’s free to join) to save an additional $100 off the Regular registration cost through August 18, 2019.
$1350.00 Regular – through August 18, 2019
$1450.00 Late Registration – through September 22, 2019
Register now at https://www.iiug.org/conf/2019/iiug/register.php.
The Planning Committee met in June to review the speaker submissions. There were a lot of interesting topics submitted. Invitations were sent to all the selected speakers and we are happy to announce that our speakers are confirming for IIUG World 2019.
Here are a few of our confirmed User speakers:
- Alexey Avdeev
- Tom Beebe
- Gary Ben-Israel
- Ruben Dutan
- Jeff Filippi
- Tom Girsh
- Art Kagel
- Lester Knutsen
- Davorin Kremenjas
- Hal Maner
- Fernando Oliveira
- Ognjen Orel
- Vicente Salvador
- Sam Siah
- Eric Vercelletto
And, some of the User speaker sessions:
- Migration to Informix 14.10 and Informix HQ
- Getting Going with Informix Connection Manager
- Works for Me
- Informix 4Gl to x4GL Migration
- Implementing Informix Encryption at Rest
- Getting Serious About Redundancy
- Do Storage Better
- Exploring the Sysmaster – my new stuff
- Challenges of Working with Temporal Databases in Informix
- Technology Soup Featuring Informix and It Tastes Good
- Enhanced Replication Functionalities
- Measuring Performance of My Databases
- Managing Big Data with Informix Database
- Designing & Realizing an Operational Data Store to Support Dynamic Operation Analytics
- Kandooerp.org: The Community of the only Open Source ERP based on Informix and 4GL Language
- Set up a Raspberry Pi
This is just a sampling of what will be offered at IIUG World 2019. Others will be on the IIUG World Website as they confirm.
Check out this existing video prepared by the Planning Committee: https://youtu.be/vXnFYIPWGsQ.
Looking forward to seeing you in September.
IIUG World Planning Committee
4) RFE Corner
IBM has created a new RFE – Request For Enhancements website:
Please visit this site to vote for your favorite enhancements or a place new request.
As you can see, it is a new RFE site. I find it much less friendly than the previous one. The RFEs are displayed in random order with no sorting capability. You can only filter by status. But, you can still submit a request. You can only track an existing request by browsing through all the requests page by page.
One of the worst user interfaces I have ever seen. Why take something good and make it worse?
I guess only IBM can answer this question
Gary Ben-Israel
5) Informix Corner
5.1 New Informix forum
Informix (along with DB2) is now officially part of the full IBM Community Site. The community is now monitored by fellow developers, IBM and HCL staff and many others. We invite you to be part of the community. You can post questions to this forum or help answer questions posted by others. Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question so we invite you to ask away.
Also, IBM Informix news will be there when it happens as well as overall other IBM news as it relates to Informix or databases in general. You can use this site to keep up with Informix if you don’t want to wait for the monthly IIUG Insider. You can reach also use the site to reach out to other IBM Communities and IBM related user groups.
Visit www.iiug.org/community to get to the Informix community or you can use community.ibm.com then click on Hybrid Data Management followed by clicking on Informix.
Join the community and participate in the future of Informix.
Stuart Litel
5.2 North America IBM Informix Roadshow page
A series of free one day technical events have been designed to provide you insight into the latest features released in IBM Informix v.14.10. These technologies and features are helping customers solve some of the toughest business problems in the world today.
This year’s series of events are one day in length and are presentation only, no hands-on labs.
A partial list of topics includes:
- The new installation mechanism
- New security enhancements including integrated backup encryption and changes to on-disk encryption!
- High Availability enhancements
- New SQL features and functions and application development enhancements
- New replication functionality including asynchronous post commit triggers
- Heterogeneous instance migration with codeset conversions
- The Informix HQ graphical monitoring tool
- More!!!
5.3 Journée Informix Tech Day 2019 – Paris
En tant que client privilégié d’Informix, nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la Journée Informix Tech Day 2019 – Paris.
IBM Informix – v14.10 a été lancé en mars 2019, une étape importante dans le partenariat entre IBM et HCL. IBM a conclu un partenariat de propriété intellectuelle (IPP) sur une durée de 15 ans avec HCL afin de développer, de maintenir, de vendre et de commercialiser conjointement des produits Informix. La sortie d’une nouvelle version majeure d’Informix réaffirme l’engagement envers ce partenariat, pérennisant ainsi l’avenir d’Informix.
Joignez-vous à l’équipe de direction d’IBM et de HCL Informix pour une journée d’échanges techniques pendant laquelle seront expliquées les fonctionnalités d’Informix si enviées par la concurrence, incluant bien sûr les nouveaux points fort d’IBM Informix V 14.10 qui est sortie ce printemps.
Les clients et les partenaires intéressés par IBM Informix, ou qui cherchent à relever les nouveaux défis de la gestion des données, sont invités à cet événement.
Cet événement se veut sous la forme d’un forum interactif dont le but est d’amplifier vos connaissances sur les capacités d’Informix, les meilleures pratiques, mais aussi d’entendre comment les autres mettent Informix à profit dans leur environnement. Nous espérons que vous aurez l’intention de vous joindre à la discussion en partageant vos cas d’utilisation avec le groupe. N’hésitez pas à partager cette invitation avec d’autres membres de votre organisation.
La participation est gratuite.
ordre du jour
9h00 – 9h30 Inscription: Café/Petit déjeuner et réseautage
9h30 – 11h30 Informix 14.10 – Traitement transactionnel distribué inégalé à ce jour: Informix offre la possibilité de traiter plus de 2 millions de transactions par seconde.
- Tout ce que vous voulez savoir sur le flambant-neuf Informix 14.10
- Pérennisez votre entreprise avec Informix
- Plongez en profondeur dans les améliorations des performances du Log Replay (relecture des journaux)
11h30 – 13h00 L’architecture inégalée de Réplication d’Informix 14.10: les capacités D’Informix continuent de s’étoffer pour prendre en charge toutes vos implémentations Internet des Objets (IoT), même sur les plus petits appareils (nano-computers).
5.4 Journée Informix Tech Day 2019 – Casablanca
En tant que client privilégié d’Informix, nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la Journée Informix Tech Day 2019 – Casablanca.
IBM Informix – v14.10 a été lancé en mars 2019, une étape importante dans le partenariat entre IBM et HCL. IBM a conclu un partenariat de propriété intellectuelle (IPP) sur une durée de 15 ans avec HCL afin de développer, de maintenir, de vendre et de commercialiser conjointement des produits Informix. La sortie d’une nouvelle version majeure d’Informix réaffirme l’engagement envers ce partenariat, pérennisant ainsi l’avenir d’Informix.
Rejoignez l’équipe de direction d’IBM et de HCL Informix pour une journée d’échanges techniques pendant laquelle seront expliquées les fonctionnalités d’Informix si enviées par la concurrence, incluant bien sûr les nouveaux points fort d’IBM Informix V 14.10 qui est sortie au printemps dernier
Les clients et les partenaires intéressés par IBM Informix, ou qui cherchent à relever les nouveaux défis de la gestion des données, sont invités à cet événement.
Cet événement se veut sous la forme d’un forum interactif dont le but est d’amplifier vos connaissances sur les capacités d’Informix, les meilleures pratiques, mais aussi d’entendre comment les clients tirent parti d’Informix dans leur environnement. Nous espérons que vous aurez l’intention de vous joindre à la discussion en partageant vos cas d’utilisation avec le groupe. N’hésitez pas à partager cette invitation avec d’autres membres de votre organisation.
La participation est gratuite.
Programme de la journée
9h00 – 9h30 Inscription: Café/Petit déjeuner et réseautage
9h30 – 11h30 Informix 14.10 – Traitement transactionnel distribué inégalé à ce jour: Informix offre la possibilité de traiter plus de 2 millions de transactions par seconde.
- Tout ce que vous voulez savoir sur le flambant-neuf Informix 14.10
- Pérennisez votre entreprise avec Informix
- Plongez en profondeur dans les améliorations des performances du Log Replay(relecture des journaux)
11h30 – 13h00 L’architecture inégalée de Réplication d’Informix 14.10: les capacités D’Informix continuent de s’étoffer pour prendre en charge toutes vos implémentations Internet des Objets (IoT), même sur les plus petits appareils (nano-computers).
5.5 Informix Tech Day 2019 – India
The India Informix Day 2019 – is a one-day event hosted at IBM Client center in Bangalore (5th August), Mumbai (7th August) and New Delhi ( 9the August). Join the IBM and HCL Informix leadership team for a technical exchange covering the unmatched capabilities of Informix, including the exciting new features in the latest IBM Informix 14.10
There will be in-depth technical talks, best practice presentations, and examples of new applications of IBM Informix.
Clients and partners interested in IBM Informix, or looking to address data management challenges, are invited to this event.
Participation is free of charge. Breakfast and Lunch will be served.
Location and date:
Bangalore – 5th August
Mumbai – 7th August
New Delhi – 9th August
9:00 – 9:30 Registration: Tea/Breakfast and Networking
9:30 – 11:30 Informix 14.10 – Unmatched Distributed Transactional Processing: Informix provides the ability to process +2M transactions per second
- Learn about the all NEW Informix 14.10
- Future proof your business with Informix
- Take a deep dive into log replay performance improvements
11:30 – 13:00 Informix 14.10 – Unmatched Embedded Integration: Informix capabilities extends to support all your edge and IoT implementations – even the smallest capacity devices
- Learn how to stream data in and out of Informix – Optimized for IoT
- Application development and digital innovation with modern Informix drivers, APIs, and containers
- Discover how Informix runs in Docker as well as Orchestration with Kubernetes
13:00 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 17:00 Informix 14.10 for Unmatched Business Continuity and Scaling: Informix has the most advanced data availability with clustering, replication and sharding
- Learn about remote keystore and encrypted backups
- Take a deep dive into the simplified installation with Informix 14.10 – go from development to production with ease
- Learn how to manage your Informix environment with the new next-generation monitoring, alerting, and administration tool: InformixHQ
User Stories or Best Practices
Q&A and Closing Comments
5.6 Informix RoadShow 2019 – Spain
El Informix Roadshow tendrá lugar en Madrid y Barcelona, consiste en una jornada o dos. Es un evento técnico, una inmersión dentro de la nueva versión IBM Informix y todas sus funcionalidades.
Este Roadshow está diseñado para ayudarle a generar nuevas ideas para optimizar el rendimiento de su empresa y crear ventajas competitivas. Es un evento totalmente gratuito.
La participación es totalmente gratuita
Localización y fechas:
7 y 8 de octubre de 2019 – Madrid – IBM Madrid, C/ Santa Hortensia 26 – 28
10 y 11 de octubre de 2019 – Barcelona – IBM Barcelona , Av. Diagonal 571
Temas que se tratarán
- Nuevas funciones de IDS 14
- Encryption at Rest & Backups
- Informixon Cloud
- Replication Technologies
- Compression
- Storage Manager
- Time Series -Smart Metering
- InformixWarehouse Accelerator
- Embed and Autonomics
- NoSql
- Internet of Things
- Roadmap
Pulse aqui para registro y más información del evento
6) Informix Resources
IBM Informix home page
www.informix.com or directly at: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/informix/
IBM Informix community
6.1 Informix Blogs and Wikis
Blogs and Wikis that have been updated during the last month
- Andrés Repossi https://andreserepossi.wixsite.com/hablemosinformix (In Spanish)
More Blogs and Wikis
- Art Kagel http://informix-myview.blogspot.co.il/
- IBM Blogs https://www.ibmbigdatahub.com/tag/550
6.2 Social Media
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/25049
Twitter : https://twitter.com/iiug
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/IIUG.Informix
Informix IoT Channel : https://ibm.biz/BdH2nm
6.3 Forums, Groups, Videos, and Magazines
- The IIUG forums at /forums/technical.php
- Informix Marketing channel on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/informixmarketing?feature=results_main
- IBM DATABASE MAGAZINE at http://www.ibmdatabasemag.com
- Credentials, the IBM Certification Newsletter at http://www-03.ibm.com/certify/email/201307credentials.shtml
- There is now an Informix group on LinkedIn. The group is called “Informix Supporter”, so anyone loving Informix can join, from current IBM employees, former Informix employees, to users. It will also be a good occasion to get in touch with others or long-time-no-seen friends. If you fancy showing the Informix logo on your profile, join. To join, simply go to: http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/25049/5E4B2048E558
Closing and Credits
The International Informix Users Group (IIUG) is an organization designed to enhance communications between its worldwide user community and IBM. The IIUG’s membership database now exceeds 25,000 entries and enjoys the support and commitment of IBM’s Information Management division. Key programs include local user groups and special interest groups, which we promote and assist from launch through growth.
Sources: IIUG Board of Directors
IBM Corp.
Editor: Gary Ben-Israel
For comments, please send an email to gary@iiug.org