IIUG Alert (Issue #11) Nov 16, 2001

Welcome to the IIUG Alert! The IIUG Alert contains time-sensitive material for the IBM Informix community. Please provide feedback via e-mail to ug@iiug.org.

LATE-BREAKING NEWS: IIC CD now available! See: http://www-4.ibm.com/software/data/informix/events/iic/


  1. ERRATA: Pardon our Slip – Corrected IDUG Conference Information
  2. Fred Hubbard to Continue as IIUG President
  3. Reserve September 9-12, 2002, for the Next IBM Informix Conference
  4. IBM Informix Office Connect: General Availability Announced
  5. Enhancements to the IIUG SIG Email Discussion Lists
  6. TechInfo Center Feature Added: Order Product Updates Online
  7. Gartner Reports IBM Database Sales Tops in Europe for 2000
  8. St. Louis, Missouri, Area Training Classes Offered
  9. Useful Links

ERRATA: Pardon our Slip – Corrected IDUG Conference Information

Dates and locations of the 2002 International DB2 Users Group (IDUG) conferences were reported incorrectly in the previous IIUG Alert. The corrected dates and locations were revised immediately on our web site. The correct dates and locations are:

  • May:
San Diego
  • October:

As stated in our last issue, IIUG plans to be present at these two conferences in addition to the IBM Learning Services conferences slated for next year. See the IDUG web site at www.idug.org for additional details on all 2002 IDUG conferences and see below for information on the next IBM Informix Conference.

Fred Hubbard to Continue as IIUG President

The IIUG Board of Directors reconfirmed Fred Hubbard as IIUG President for the coming year. Fred had accepted responsibility on a transitional basis last April and provided crucial and effective leadership during the initial phase of the IBM acquisition of Informix.

Reserve September 9-12, 2002, for the Next IBM Informix Conference

IIUG will once again provide content advisory and promotional support for the 2002 IBM Informix Conference (IIC) in Anaheim, California. The IIUG Leadership Council Meeting, the IIUG Annual General Meeting, and other key annual IIUG events will be a part of 2002 IIC. Also, the usual IIUG- sponsored break-outs, including Interactive Roadmap sessions, “Ask The Experts” sessions, Developer’s Night, and “Meet the Executives” are all tentatively planned for 2002 IIC!

As always, the IIUG will assist IBM to ensure that all conference presentations are technically useful and relevant to the IBM Informix community of users. The 2002 IIC will be a separate and parallel event with the IBM DB2 & Business Intelligence Conference. Special pricing will be available for attendees who would like to attend sessions in both conferences.

IBM Informix Office Connect: General Availability Announced

IBM announced the general availability of IBM Informix Office Connect Web Edition 3.0 and IBM Informix Office Connect Personal Edition 3.0 at the IBM Informix Conference in Las Vegas. The Office Connect 3.0 product suite enhances the productivity of customers in e-businesses who require easy, distributed, and secure data visualization and reporting capabilities using spreadsheet technology (MS Excel) in both Intranet- Internet (Web Edition) and Client-Server (Personal Edition) environments. The Office Connect product suite works with both IBM DB2 and Informix database servers. For more details and a link to the v2.0 tech brief, visit:

Also, you can view the full Office Connect product announcement at:

  • /news/prod_alert_16oct01.html

Please note that a new IIUG email discussion list has been created for this product suite: Office-Connect@IIUG.org .

Enhancements to the IIUG SIG Email Discussion Lists

IIUG hosts a number of Special Interest Group (SIG) email discussion lists. In an ongoing effort to enrich our services and add value to our membership, we have made the following changes to these lists:

  • Consolidated the D4GL-Tools and Informix-Client-Tools lists into a list named Classics@IIUG.org
  • Split the Engines list into two new lists: IDS@IIUG.org and XPS@IIUG.org
  • Created a new list called Office-Connect@IIUG.org
  • Changed the PATU list to Admin-Tools@IIUG.org and modified its description accordingly
  • Redefined the LSDW-Group list objective to become more of a discussion about data warehousing and very large data base concepts and issues without regard to product specifics
  • Removed old lists that were no longer relevant

Visit www.iiug.org/resources/SIG_forums_list.html to view a list of all the groups and descriptions. We hope that you are able to utilize these lists to share the feedback and experiences of users with similar interests. The lists are also reviewed by IBM Data Management personnel with jobs related to the subject matter.

As an IIUG member, you can subscribe to the list by logging on to the member area at www.iiug.org under “Quick Links” using your member number, last name and email address. Once logged in, click on the “Subscribe” button and then click the check box next to the desired lists. Once subscribed, you can send email to Listname@IIUG.org, where Listname is the name of the list. If you have any problems, suggestions or questions, email James Edmiston at James@IIUG.org.

TechInfo Center Feature Added: Order Product Updates Online

Jennifer L. Ringgold, IBM Informix Marketing Specialist, has reported that a new feature within the Informix TechInfo Center is now available. Customers with active Assurance or OpenLine maintenance agreements now have the ability to order product updates online. The customers only need to enter their ship-to, bill-to, and product request (with or without a part number).

A convenient link to the Product Availability Query is available for customers to check the order availability of products on their platform prior to placing their order. Delivery options include electronic delivery or ground delivery on CD-ROM, DAT or 8MM tape. Orders are fulfilled approximately 5 to 7 business days from the time of order to receipt depending on the method of delivery.

Customers with a user ID and password can access the Product Update Form from the Product Support link on the TechInfo Center’s left navigation bar at:

Customers are also encouraged to sign up for the TechInfo email notifications to get new information and features within the TechInfo Center on a timely basis.

Gartner Reports IBM Database Sales Tops in Europe for 2000

A report from independent analyst firm Gartner Dataquest showed that IBM had surpassed the competition in database management system software new license sales in Europe by more than 11 points of share for 2000. The article also placed IBM first in the relational database market in new license sales for 2000 with a 38.2 per cent market share.

IBM recently announced its 18th consecutive quarter of growth. In the third quarter of 2001, DB2 grew 56 percent on distributed platforms, five times faster than the industry growth rate.

SOURCE: Gartner Dataquest, Database Management Systems Software: European Market Shares 2000, August 2001

St. Louis, Missouri, Area Training Classes Offered

Newly-elected board member Jerry Hamilton reports that IBM Informix has agreed to begin conducting Informix training classes in the St. Louis, Missouri area! Jerry stated: “As we all face challenges these days with company restrictions, encumbered budgets, long-distance travel cutbacks, being away from home/office, and simply not having enough time, training offerings close to home and convenient for air travel is a big plus. Not only is St. Louis centrally located, but Lambert International Airport is easy to fly in and out of.”

The first of several new classes offered were completed this week, with three more classes still scheduled for the remainder of this calendar year. The remaining classes for this year are:

November 29 & 30: Stored Procedures & Triggers @ IBM Maryville
December 10, 11, 12 & 13: Managing & Optimizing IDS @ SBC One Bell Center
December 17, 18, 19 & 20: Getting Started with Java @ SBC One Bell Center

Check out the training schedule in your area at:

  • http://www.ibm.com/software/data/informix/education/schedules/bylocation.html

Useful Links

Closing and Credits

The International Informix Users Group (IIUG) is an international organization designed to enhance communications between Informix and its worldwide user community. The IIUG now has over 13,000 members and enjoys major support from the IBM Data Management division. We also help local user groups get started and promoted.

Sources: IIUG Board of Directors
Editors: David Smith, and Ron Flannery, IIUG Board of Directors

For comments, please e-mail to ug@iiug.org

Categorized as Insider

By Vicente Salvador

Board member since 2014, a user since 1989 and Informix fan. I'am software architect which allow me to combine technical and business skills.