IIUG Insider (Issue #34) 22 August 2003

Highlights: Webcast News, DMTC Tutorials, InfoBahn Continues, and More…

Welcome to the International Informix Users Group (IIUG) Insider! Designed for IIUG members and Informix user group leaders, this publication contains timely and relevant information for the IBM Informix community.

Editor’s Note: We’ve Gone HTML

To those of you who opted to receive this e-newsletter in the glossy glory of HTML, here you go! We look forward to your comments. Let us know if you like it and how you think we could continue to improve it by writing to enews@iiug.org.

If you forgot to select HTML, you still have a chance. Just click the following URL and presto!



  1. Webcast News: Past Event Replays and Upcoming Dates
  2. IIUG Webcasts: Your Preferences Please
  3. IBM Data Management Tech Conference – Tutorial Highlights
  4. IBM’s Informix InfoBahn Continues
  5. Informix Books on New IBM Books Web Site
  6. Have You Implemented IDS 9.4? Some People Have!
  7. Useful Links
  8. Closing and Credits

Webcast News: Past Event Replays and Upcoming Dates

IIUG’s 14 August webcast, titled “Tools roadmap and new features ” was quite successful despite some unfortunate communication glitches. If you were not able to attend or want to refer your colleagues so they may learn what IBM has in store for system management tools – ISA, Server Studio JE and DB2 Tools, the replay is now available at http://www.placewareforum.com/eseminars/page.cfm?p=home under IBM Data Management Events, Archived Web Events. If a password was required, please use “IFTOOL”.

You may also want to mark 23 September on your calendar for the IBM webcast titled “IBM Informix Dynamic Server 9.4 – How and Why to Upgrade Today!”. Top IBM trainers will provide a free mini-training session along with tips and tricks from experts who have performed the easy IDS 9.4 upgrade. Join this IBM webcast for a technical discussion on how to upgrade and to hear the tips, tricks and hints of those who are already taking advantage of this fastest IDS release ever!

Please register at


IIUG Webcasts: Your Preferences Please

To schedule the remaining webcasts of 2003 in accordance to your preferences, IIUG invites you to tell us which webcast topics interest you most. As it stands, a Red Brick update will be scheduled, but we still have two more slots to fill.

Please take our mini-survey by clicking the following link:


Note that this mini-survey will be active only through Friday, 29 August.

Likely topics for our upcoming webcasts include:

  • Java development using Informix Dynamic Server
  • More on migrating from IDS 7 to IDS 9
  • IDS and WebSphere technical integration

We appreciate your interest and participation in our previous webcasts and we are looking forward to receiving your input.

IBM Data Management Tech Conference – Tutorial Highlights

Plan on being in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27-31 October, for the IBM Data Management Technical Conference (DMTC). As an International Informix Users Group – IIUG – member you are entitled to a special $150 IIUG discount until the day before the conference, which cannot be used in conjunction with the “Early Bird” or any other discount. Also, take advantage of an additional learning opportunity with the Informix tutorial offer worth $500 in savings. These tutorials are free for DMTC registered attendees to provide additional insight into the continued enhancements of the Informix Dynamic Server. Each tutorial will range from 1.5 to 3 hours in length.

For more information on the conference or to register, please visit http://ibm.com/training/conf/us/dm – Remember to choose Attendee Type: “Informix IIUG” to get your $150 discount.

As in prior years, those in attendance to the conference will be able to participate in a lively panel exchange with senior IBM executives on topics of interest to all DB2 Information Management Software customers and business partners. Don’t miss this opportunity to go live with these key decision-makers at the “Meet the Executives” panel session sponsored by the International Informix Users Group (IIUG). If you would like to submit a question for “Meet the Executives”, send it via e-mail to conferences@iiug.org with “MTE Question” in the message subject line.

As an attendee, we encourage you to participate in IIUG’s Annual General Meeting, where IIUG leaders will present the year’s report and their plans for 2004.

IBM’s Informix InfoBahn Continues

IBM’s Informix InfoBahn road show is currently scheduled for a variety of locations around the world. IBM tells ENews: “Customers and business partners in attendance now have a better understanding of the future direction of Informix technology. Many felt it was an excellent use of time, giving them pertinent, actionable information they needed to make decisions on their database solutions. They have been interested to learn about new services packages, and more ways to integrate new leading edge technology into their database, as well as the overall middleware strategy of IBM. Customers will never be forced to migrate to DB2. IBM will continue to develop the Informix products and offer the best database solution possible.”

For more information, please visit: http://www-3.ibm.com/software/data/informix/infobahn/

Upcoming InfoBahn Dates:

1 Oct : Stockholm, Sweden
2 Oct : Finland
19 Nov : Seattle, Washington, USA
19 Nov : San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
20 Nov : Los Angeles, California, USA

Informix Books on New IBM Books Web Site

Check out the Informix Books on the NEW DB2 Information Management Books Web site! IBM has launched a brand new books Web site for DB2 information management publications. This site features the latest Informix certification, reference and learning focused titles by industry experts. Whether you need a guide to prepare for certification, or the official Informix Handbook, you can find them all on the new site! http://www-3.ibm.com/software/data/education/bookstore/

Have You Implemented IDS 9.4? Some People Have!

IIUG’s ENews team has been looking for people who have implemented IDS 9.4 in production. In particular, we are interested in the following aspects of your experience:

  1. Why did you move to IDS 9.4 and what were you using before?
  2. How easy was it to migrate to IDS 9.4? Any surprises, positive and negative?
  3. Have you realized the benefits you had expected? Is it faster, more robust, easier to manage, etc.?
  4. What OS/HW platforms did you move from and move to?

Well… Three IIUG members have already responded: James Westrick, Venkatesh Konnur, and Stephen Murray. Thanks guys!

We will cover their individual experiences in an upcoming issue of the IIUG Insider. For now, we will wet your appetite and tell you that James actually achieved a 50% performance improvement in data entry and slashed a report generation program from 15 minutes to 5 minutes execution.

If you would like to share your experience implementing IDS 9.4, please write us at enews@iiug.org.

Useful Links

In response to your input, we have created a new page on the IIUG web site containing all the links we used to include. Please find it at:


Closing and Credits

The International Informix Users Group (IIUG) is an organization designed to enhance communications between its worldwide user community and IBM. IIUG’s membership database now exceeds 18,000 entries and enjoys the support and commitment of IBM’s Data Management division. Key programs include local user groups and special interest groups, which we promote and assist from launch through growth.

Sources: IIUG Board of Directors
Editors: Fred Hubbard, IIUG Board of Directors,
David Smith, IIUG Board of Directors, and
Jean Georges Perrin, IIUG Board of Directors
For comments, please send an email to ug@iiug.org.
Categorized as Insider

By Vicente Salvador

Board member since 2014, a user since 1989 and Informix fan. I'am software architect which allow me to combine technical and business skills.